Sabtu, 26 Mei 2012

secha college graduation

3 tahun 8 bulan, secha lulus kuliah s1..:) proud of her, aku ga terlalu kaget kalo dia cumloude, gaya belajarnya si main2, tapi emang cerdasnya bukan main..;)*abis ni minta traktir es krim* :)) FAMILY!!!
gezzz look at her flowerss..:))
ak sama si brader yang keliatan cantik n ganteng di foto ini, yg lain kita cropp ya brayy!! muahahha
agam philosofyandi, pacar secha..:) *biar foto aja yang bercerita* ;)
weeeiii surprisee!!! papppiii papiiii papiii yaaa? hahhaha..^^V
SECHA BEST FRIEND!! :* secha sama marching band UII nya..pas selese wisuda dpt hadiah music dr mereka, awhhhh..pertemanannya solid banget ..*pingin meluk si trompet*...:))
secha with komunikasi' best friend
Secha eith KKN' best friend
Secha with her best sista..*Dacul* mulai makan-makan..:))
secha narsis :))

Kamis, 17 Mei 2012

1900800 seconds :D

Iam so crazyy crazy crazyyy in all the seconds on the days, At 1st I thought he was just putting on a good face (ngebayanginnyaa si), looking everything positively & making the best of a tough situation (sama si kayak aku, haha). After all, he couldn’t possibly enjoy in let i call it *a little rumit situation* and in a bad galauu girl like me, ya kann? Then I realized I was missing the biggest part of his way 4 looking at life, he does enjoy his wonderful life with big Thankful to God, emang si rasa syukur itu jadi salah satu kunci biar ga galau..and that’s why he seems so tenang!! because he is. awsome!!:)) My life doesn’t always look exactly like I want it to, the way I feel about myself, how often I choose to smile simply becoz it feels good. None of these things depend on my life situation. gellaa mooody banget!!..:)) but I suspect he knows these things, dan i thougt he has a big enough cup for me.. intinya sii After no see him for a long long time, no matter how much sebalnyaa yg tanpa alasan itu, he still make my heart skip a beat like first time i meet him!! uda itu aja..:)) absurd yg sungguh terlalu de yaa..:))